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The Photo Archive Project - 2/9

Writer's picture: Tia WiscoTia Wisco

After getting a chai at Looney Bean and reading more of my favorite book, I had the pleasure of continuing my project at the Tower today! I am so excited to start working on more projects for the theater. I loved shadowing the staff members, and now that I have more knowledge of how their positions work, I feel very ready to help out with whatever I can!

I am really enjoying my current project. As I explained in my last post, I am helping David Miller (Manager of Communications) organize the Tower’s photo archive. Below is a picture of my view! Even

though computer programs were confusing to me in the past, I feel like I’m getting the hang of this one. I can’t take all the credit, though. David has been a wonderful mentor throughout this process and I am honored to work with him. There is something really satisfying about sorting a bunch of unorganized photos into newly made folders! It makes the perfectionist in me very happy.

Today, I focused on sorting hundreds of miscellaneous pictures. I went through nearly every single folder to find photos that could be placed into better categories. For example, today I mainly looked for photos that could be used for the Tower’s emails or website. These photos were dispersed throughout all the archive’s folders, so it took a while for me to go through them all! I also looked for miscellaneous photos of performances. I took these photos out of their incorrect folders and put them into the “Artists Assets” folder that I made last week. If the photo was of a specific performance that I recognized, I put it into its corresponding subfolder (i.e. I was able to recognize several community theatre performance photos and place them in the “Theatrical” subfolder). With thousands of photos on the archive, this process took a very long time. If this project has taught me anything, it's to have patience and perseverance!

Tedious tasks like this one can often become very frustrating. Sometimes stress can make a project’s purpose seem unclear. No matter what professional field I end up going into, this skill will be very important for me to understand in the future. I believe that it is important to use frustration and stress as motivation to complete projects. It's important to remember why you are taking on a certain challenge, even when it may be difficult. When I finish this project, it will help out the Tower staff! Soon, they will be able to find the photos they need much faster than before. With all the hard work they do, they don’t need the inconvenience of unorganized photos. I’m hoping that I can make their jobs a little bit easier by completing this project. Not only am I excited to help a group of people that has greatly helped me, but I am also so grateful for this experience. This internship has already made me feel more prepared for my future. I am learning new skills that I probably wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

Like I said in my previous post, it made me happy to see some familiar faces in the archive photos! The show that I was in, The Wizard of Oz, just closed last week, and it was great to see some amazing photos of the performances. It was also really cool to see photos of performers that I didn’t recognize. It was a good reminder that the Tower is so much more than a theatrical stage. It’s also a concert venue, movie theatre, presentational stage, and more! The theatre has so much to offer and I hope that Bend’s community is inspired to see more unique performances after reading this blog.

Sorting through thousands of photos inspired me to take some of my own today! I have placed them throughout this post to more clearly explain what an internship day looks like. I hope that you were inspired by this entry and are motivated to pursue your own passions. I can’t wait to continue this journey next week! Thank you for reading my work and stay tuned for more!

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